About us

ICC Academy School is one of the Educational Institution located near Rajapalayam on the Chatrapatti – Alangulam main road. ICC academy is an educational and cultural centre of great repute where a child get education starting from KG to SSLC. Our School is a gate way to a global learning community, emphasizing the key mild stones of education, encourages young minds to focus on their strengths.

School Motto

Nurture Versatile Future with courage, caliber and compassion.


At ICC Academy School education is not only limited to warranting scholastic success but also deal with the real challenges.


The CBSE curriculum is framed with a multi-faceted, students-centric approach which is both synergistic and naturalistic. Comprising a vibrant and dynamic integrations of academics, sports, fine arts the curriculum is aimed at developing creativity and innovation exposing children to face the future challenges in the real community situation.


ICC Academy School creates a class room and lab environment where in positive interactions are the norms. The teacher acknowledges and accepts diversity in terms of gender, cultural and linguistic backgrounds, academic and disciplinary needs. The classroom has well defined rules; these rules make the classroom more structured, knowable and consistent. Children are encouraged to follow rules of cleanliness, organization of materials, and common courtesies in public spaces and mutual respect for one another.

Alumni Testimonials


Disaster mack drill

Pongal Day Celebration

KG Activity